Mobius Encyclopaedia
The subject of this article appeared before the Super Genesis Wave.
For other versions of Titan Metal Sonic, see Titan Metal Sonic (disambiguation).

Titan Metal Sonic
Biographical information
Host Form 

Shard the Metal Sonic

Transformation Requirements


Gained Abilities
  • Super strength

Titan Metal Sonic v2.0 was a giant red transformation achieved by Metal Sonic v2.0 with the aid of a Power Gem.


Titan Metal Sonic Spaz

Titan Metal Sonic

When Knuckles the Echidna and the Chaotix arrived at Renfield T. Rodent's carnival to save the Freedom Fighters, Dr. Robotnik sent the repaired Metal Sonic v2.0 to stop them. When Metal Sonic realized it was clearly outnumbered, it used a Power Gem to turn into the gigantic Titan Metal Sonic v2.0; however, Heavy had its own Power Gem on hand, and Knuckles used it to turn giant himself, allowing him to take on the new and improved Metal Sonic. Knuckles used his increased powers to defeat Titan Metal Sonic seemingly once and for all. (KCX)

After Shard the Metal Sonic had captured the Krudzu Hybrid Hydra, the creature offered to bond with him to transform him into a Titan Metal Sonic form resembling the Project "Titan" variant, however Shard refused. (StH: #246 - Off Panel)


Titan Metal Sonic Full

Titan Metal Sonic.

Titan Metal Sonic is an enormous robot that resembles Sonic the Hedgehog and Metal Sonic. It is red and grey/silver in color and possesses shard claws and teeth.


The only ability that Titan Metal Sonic seems to possess is super strength.

The hypothetical version enhanced by the Krudzu was depicted with the ability to breathe fire.

Background Information[]

  • Titan Metal Sonic is based off of Metal Sonic Kai from Knuckles' Chaotix, a transformation of the robot achieved via Dark Ring.