I was actually curious about this: given that Tails and Knuckles already have articles on their Robian selves, should Tails Man and Knuckles Man be considered just variations of Mecha Tails and Knuckles, or do we want to go with them as separate characters?--Spectre the Hechidnat (talk) 23:15, April 8, 2013 (UTC)
I just thought of something. Krudzu Hydra is the only de-roboitcizer we know, and Ian Flynn said the comic exclusive characters are not going to appear in Worlds Collide. How are the Roboticized Masters going return to organic form without the Krudzu Hydra? Matteso586 (talk) 23:29, April 8, 2013 (UTC)
- The key actually lies in your reasoning: the Hydra is the only De-Roboticizer we know; doesn't mean it's the only one, and we don't even know for sure that it is one yet. The special just started, so there's definitely more developments in store that we just have to wait and see. Besides, there's also the fact that reality has been altered and will most likely be altered yet again to put things back to normal, which could very well restore the Masters to their original forms-unless something else does first.--Spectre the Hechidnat (talk) 22:51, April 9, 2013 (UTC)
So...what exactly is the source on the additional five Roboticized Masters? Were they introduced in the latest issue, or through some other source?--Spectre the Hechidnat (talk) 06:08, May 5, 2013 (UTC)