--Muffinmonk 02:53, 21 May 2009 (UTC) If overlanders have 4 fingers instead of 5, then why does Robotnik, an overlander, have 5 fingers as well? Also, despite Hope being an overlander, she has very different characteristics, as she uses her brain as much as her emotions to handle situations, as well as not having any fear or prejudice against (party helped by Sonic, of course) Mobians. Perhaps the Kintobor Clan was a mix of exiled humans and overlanders?
- The four finger/five finger debate has raged on for a long time. Canonically, they only have four fingers while humans have five, at least for the most part. There may be some exceptions, but otherwise chalk it up to the artist preference when drawing, as some only draw them with four fingers. Furthermore, Eggman's current body was formerly a robotic one transformed into an organic one by the Bem, which might explain why he has five fingers. As for characteristics, Overlanders have generally been shown to be scared or hostile towards Mobians (even Hope was scared of Sonic when she first saw him). - Dimitri the Echidna 03:11, 21 May 2009 (UTC)
I know that Ivo was a robo turned into human/overlander again, but this presents a major problem: Ivo is dead, and his robot wasn't a product of roboticization. If he can be transformed into a human/overlander, wouldn't Bunnie Rabbot become a normal rabbit even after her replacement parts? I'll stop talking cuz I don't want a flame war of such, but despite the great storytelling, the Archie Sonic team isn't as consistent as they usually are; they are really consistent.
Im wondering...are the overlanders newly-born species or are they mutated humans? Are they a species that Arose from the primadorial soup or are they Mutated humans that somhow have evidence or remeberance of the day the xorda attacked? IF they are simpely a group of mutated human survivors how come they have such violent tendencies? The Rest of the humans have a frikin' alliance to the Repuplic/Kingdom of Acorn(yeah yeah i KNOW the Overlanders are in United fedarations now) and they have a nice behavior. Plz i need to know.
Oh yeah about that Five/four finger discussion: Because that Gerald left the overlander citys(Megaopolis or Mega Central) and found station square and lived there we can assume that because he had kids with a human female,over time some of the fammily members grew another finger(if overlanders and humans even get breed wich im pretty sure of).