Mobius Encyclopaedia
The subject of this article appeared before the Super Genesis Wave.
You may be looking for the King Sonic from Light Mobius, or Sonik from Mobius (Galaxy). For other versions of Sonic, see: Sonic (disambiguation)

This article or section features information from conflicting sources. See "Background Information" section on "Alternate Future" for more info.

Sonic future01
King Sonic Acorn
First Appearance 

Sonic In Your Face

Final Appearance

Sonic the Hedgehog #119 (in a flashback)

Biographical information

at least 32 (born on day 162, 3220 - died 3252 or later)


Sonic the Hedgehog

Physical description


  • Height: 70 marks
  • Weight: 7.2 stone
  • Fur: Blue
  • Eyes: Green
  • Skin: Peach
  • Lightweight, hyper friction resistant red shoes
  • White gloves
  • Crown
Political Alignment and Abilities

King Sonic Acorn, from an Alternate Future, was the King of Mobius.


Sonic's history was the same as his Mobius Prime counterpart's up until he and his fellow Freedom Fighter were turned into cyborgs by their universe's Robotnik. However, their new half-mechanical bodies made them powerful enough to march on to Robotropolis for a final confrontation with Robotnik. Unfortunately, Robotnik turned the tables on them by subjecting to his own roboticization process, which allowed him to terminate the resistance, except for Cyborg Sonic.

With Robo-Robotnik having become so powerful that he threatened all universes, Cyborg Sonic fled into the Cosmic Interstate in search of new allies to fight him. (StH: #19)

Making his way to Mobius Prime, Cyborg Sonic would appear in front of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sally Acorn and tell his story to them, after which Sonic would agree to help him. After gathering various versions of themselves from other zones, the gathered Sonics would attempt to make a plan of action when they were suddenly attacked by Robo-Robotnik's Shadow SWATbots, an attack which was repelled by Dr. Robotnik, who offered a temporary truce. (StH: #19)

Cyborg Sonic & Robo-Robotnik

Cyborg Sonic returns to his Zone with Robo-Robotnik's head

After Robo-Robotnik managed to unlock Giant Borg by acquiring the Giant's Hand, he would set upon an army of Sonics, including Cyborg Sonic, who managed to fragment both the robot and Robo-Robotnik into pieces. After his destruction, Cyborg Sonic took Robo-Robotnik's head and, along with all the other Sonics, a piece of the Giant Borg, in order to ensure that it was never reassembled, and returned to his home zone. (StH: #19)

What Sonic did not realize was that his arch nemesis survived the battle by transporting his digital mind to a derelict space station in orbit. With Robotnik incapacitated and believed to be dead, peace ensued across Mobius. Sonic eventually married Sally Acorn and had two children with her, Sonia and Manik. Having ruled peacefully over the Kingdom of Acorn for many years, he and Sally commissioned Rotor to build a new NICOLE, based on a similar computer that Sally had owned in her youth that was destroyed in the final battle with Robotnik. (StH: #22, #119, IYF)

After a brief encounter with Robotnik Prime, who was transported to their universe inadvertently by his rogue creation E.V.E., despite suspicion King Sonic dismissed what he and his family witnessed as a "freak of nature" and assured his wife that Robotnik was dead with Sonic whispering to himself "I hope" indicating doubt in his own assurance. Unbeknownst to him, Robotnik Prime's disappearance was simply due to him being transported aboard the space station Robo-Robotnik's consciousness was stranded on. The encounter with Robotnik Prime encouraged Robo-Robotnik to seek a means of survival, and he eventually rebuilt a body for himself using the piece of the Giant Borg in their universe. King Sonic and his entire family were subsequently killed by Robo-Robotnik when he nuked Mobotropolis. (StH: #22, #75)


Despite being older, Sonic's physical look contained no noticeable changes, even wearing his usual attire of white gloves and his trademark red and white sneakers. The only addition to his attire is, of course, the royal crown worn on his head.

In his first appearance, Sonic had the physical build of his "classic" design, complete with his original black eyes. In his most recent appearance however, he had the longer spines and emerald green eyes of his modern look. The reason for this is never explained, despite the in-canon explanation for his Prime Zone counterparts change in design.


As a cyborg, due to his partial roboticization, the right side of Cyborg Sonic's body is robotic. He further wears a black leather jacket and a glove and shoe on his organic hand and foot respectively. Due to his mouth being partially roboticized, he begins every sentence with "Click! Whrrr...".

Background Information[]

  • This version of Sonic the Hedgehog is the first known alternate future version of Sonic to be introduced in the comic. The second version from Light Mobius bore a great deal of resemblance to this Sonic, both in family setup and in attire.
  • Sonic is indirectly responsible for the death of his kingdom and family (as well as himself), both due to returning Robo-Robotniks's head to his zone, and due to his ignorance at Robotnik's continued existence and might have prevented the outcome had he followed his wife's suspicions.