Mobius Encyclopaedia
The subject of this article appeared before the Super Genesis Wave.

The Shark were a violent alien race from the Mobius Galaxy Zone, created generations after Dr. Robotnik began the War of the World and Mobius became uninhabitable. Their origins were the accidental result of when that Zone's version of the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters launched some of their hydrotechnology into space to find another home planet. Generations later, the Shark went on a feeding frenzy and brought war to planet Bluto, slaughtering it's entire population except for a lone survivor, Saleta, while also inflicting the same carnage to the home worlds of Bunni, Twan-Du, Rotor-27, and Hawkhawk. The last that was heard of the Shark was that their home planet had been targeted by Silver Snively as a food source for Robolactus, but their fate is unknown. (StH: #103, #104)
