- You may be looking for Sally Acorn (Light Mobius)
Queen Sally Acorn was the queen of the Kingdom of Acorn in an alternate future version of Mobius.
She, along with the rest of the Freedom Fighters of that zone, was captured by that reality's Robotnik and turned into half-cyborgs. With her new strength and powers, Cyborg Sally marched on Robotropolis with the rest of the Cyborg Freedom Fighters to defeat Robotnik once and for all. However, the tyrant simply roboticized himself, and in his new form, managed to terminate the resistance, including Cyborg Sally. (StH: #19)
Having obtained a scroll in her youth from her late mentor Julayla, she went on to marry Sonic the Hedgehog and pair were crowned king and queen. Happily settled with her husband, her father Max and children Sonia and Manik. Having lost her own beloved computer NICOLE in the final battle with their version of Dr. Robotnik, Sally commissioned the rebuilding of NICOLE by Rotor, which she then sent to Mobius Prime to aid her younger counterpart there. (StH: #119, IYF)
Queen Sally had a chance encounter with Robotnik Prime along with her family when he was inadvertently transported to their zone by E.V.E.. Queen Sally was worried that their Robotnik had survived the final battle, but was comforted by her husband, who reminded her he had died and suggested what they had just witnessed was a freak of nature. Unfortunately, their version of Robotnik was in fact still alive, and after receiving inspiration from Robotnik Prime during his time in their universe, he rebuilt his body and nuked Queen Sally's capital of Mobotropolis, killing her and the rest of the Royal Family. (StH: #22, #75)