Mobius Encyclopaedia
The subject of this article appeared before the Super Genesis Wave.

A hologram of O.T.I.S..

The Outer Threat Immobilization System (or O.T.I.S. for short) is the primary defense computer for Station Square. Designed to protect the city from the encroachment of threats such as the Eggman Empire, it took its duties to the extreme after being programmed with data on Dr. Eggman provided by the Knothole Freedom Fighters. It immediately targeted the city of Robotropolis with nuclear missiles, which would have been blocked by the city's defensive shield and wiped out Knothole in any case. Fortunately, Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails were able to delay the city's shield dome from erecting until after the missiles were within it, thus trapping the explosion within the force field and containing the radioactive fallout. (StH: #106, #110)

Background Information[]

  • Other hidden cities may have possessed this system.[1]