- For more info the Mavericks outside of Worlds Unite, see the Maverick page on the Mega Man Wiki.

The Maverick Army.
Maverick is a term referring to a Reploid or Mechaniloid who is hostile to humans.

Sigma and other future Mavericks.
The Mavericks started out as ordinary Reploids, created in an attempt to replicate the highly advanced robot X. Unfortunately, the human emotions with which the Reploids were endowed led some of them to rebel against their creators, at times violently. Worse, a dangerous virus could cause Reploids to become Mavericks, as was the case with the former Maverick Hunter known as Sigma. After becoming a Maverick, Sigma became the leader of this dangerous force of robots, which also employed an army of lesser Mechaniloids. (MMX)
Worlds Unite[]

Vile, one of the many Mavericks.
Vile and several other Mavericks fought in defense of Sigma's Fortress when the Maverick Hunters came looking to finish off their hated foe. Later, after Roboticized Masters Sonic Man and M'egga Man were returned to their normal forms of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man, Sigma began using the Genesis Portals to revive all his previously defeated Mavericks in preparation for the coming conflict. He also reached into the future of his timeline to bring further Mavericks into his service. Curiously, these duplicated Mavericks lacked the full personality of their counterparts, but Sigma didn't concern himself with it once it became clear that their loyalty to him remained. Following the defeat of his Mechaniloid army, Sigma unleashed an army of these Mavericks on the Sky Patrol and the heroes aboard. Weary from their previous battles, the heroes were set upon by four Mavericks while the rest scattered to various worlds on Sigma's orders. The handful of Time-Clones had the heroes on the ropes until some unlikely allies from the Street Fighter Zone arrived. Chun-Li, Ryu, Ken Masters, and Guile swiftly dispatched them, and the heroes then set out to track the remaining Mavericks. (SU: #76, #77; WUB: MM; MM: #50, #51; StH: #274)
The Mavericks' efforts to invade other worlds were thwarted by the heroes of both the Unified World and the various worlds they invaded. These consisted of the worlds of Alex Kidd, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Skies of Arcadia, Ōkami, NiGHTS into Dreams, Monster Hunter, Panzer Dragoon, Breath of Fire, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Viewtiful Joe, and Golden Axe, in addition to Street Fighter. The remnants then returned to Sigma to engage in a final battle with the expanded force of heroes, but were destroyed. Sigma then engaged Super Sonic and Super Mega Man in battle and was defeated, while his journey back in time was prevented by Xander Payne. As such, the Maverick army was never created, and their master and Vile were defeated in their own time. (SU: #78; SB: #10; StH: #275; MM: #50)

Sigma, the leader of the Mavericks.
- Sigma (leader)
- Vile
- X-Hunters
- Armored Armadillo
- Avalanche Yeti
- Axle the Red/Spike Rosered
- Bamboo Pandamonium
- Berkana
- Bit
- Blast Hornet
- Blaze Heatnix
- Blizzard Buffalo
- Blizzard Wolfang
- Boomer Kuwanger
- Bubble Crab
- Burn Rooster
- Byte
- Chill Penguin
- Commander Yammark
- Crush Crawfish
- Crystal Snail
- Cyber Peacock
- Dark Dizzy/Dark Necrobat
- Dark Mantis
- Double
- Duff McWhalen/Tidal Makkoeen/Tidal Whale
- Dynamo
- Earthrock Trilobyte
- Flame Hyenard
- Flame Mammoth
- Flame Stag
- Frost Walrus
- Gareth
- Gate
- Geemel
- Gigabolt Man-O-War
- Gravity Antonion
- Gravity Beetle
- Grizzly Slash/Crescent Grizzly
- Ground Scaravich
- Guardroid α
- Infinity Mijinion
- Izzy Glow/Shining Hotarunicus/Shining Firefly
- Jet Stingray
- Launch Octopus
- Mac
- Magma Dragoon
- Magna Centipede
- Mattrex/Burn Dinorex
- Metal Shark Player
- Middy
- Morph Moth
- Neon Tiger
- Optic Sunflower
- Overdrive Ostrich
- Rainy Turtloid
- Ride Boarski
- Shield Sheldon
- Slash Beast
- Snipe Anteator
- Solider Stonekong
- Spark Mandrill
- Splash Warfly
- Split Mushroom
- Squid Adler/Volt Kraken
- Sting Chameleon
- Storm Eagle
- Storm Owl
- Techno
- The Skiver/Spiral Pegasion/Spiral Pegasus
- Tornado Tonion
- Toxic Seahorse
- Tunnel Rhino
- Vanishing Gungaroo
- Volt Catfish
- Web Spider
- Wheel Gator
- Wind Crowrang
- Wire Sponge
- Zain
- Several unnamed Mavericks
Background Information[]
- The Mavericks serve much the same purpose in Worlds Unite that Wily's Robot Masters in the Robot Master Army served in Worlds Collide. They are also introduced in similar fashion, as none of the Mega Man X games have been fully adapted in the Mega Man comic, and thus virtually none of them aside from Sigma and Vile have been introduced prior to Worlds Unite. Additionally, although the events of the Mega Man X timeline take place after X7, additional Mavericks create for X8 appear in the crossover, as do ones from the side games Xtreme and Xtreme 2.
- The Mavericks who appear fighting alongside Vile at Sigma's fortress are background characters from the X series, including Mavericks seen in The Day of Sigma and Mega Man X7.
- The Maverick Army cloned by Sigma using the Genesis Portals was bereft of a number of boss Reploids from the Mega Man X series, most notably General, Colonel, and Iris of X4 and Red of X7. Their absence is similar to that of the Light Robot Masters (bar those from Mega Man 9) from the army of Wily's Robot Masters in Worlds Collide, with both groups being manipulated by the villain of their respective franchise-Dr. Wily and Sigma-rather than choosing to serve them or being forced into servitude by the Maverick Virus. (On the other hand, a few other characters who were manipulated by him, such as Techno and the animal reploids associated with Repliforce and Red Alert, can be seen)
- However, Middy can be seen, even though he was not a Maverick at all. In addition, Velguader and Maoh the Giant were excluded, perhaps because they did not have developed characters in their games (and can be confused for Mechaniloids). Lumine from X8, and most, if not all of the Mavericks from Command Mission were also left out for the same reasons as Colonel above, along with Sigma having died for good by the time of the game.
- Several of the X5 Mavericks have multiple names; one is translated from their Japanese name, while the other is a nickname given in homage to members of the band Guns 'n Roses. Ian Flynn has expressed dislike of the nicknames, and thus intended to use their English translation names, including several used in the Mega Man X Official Complete Works. However, due to the lateness of the change, Duff McWhalen was identified as Tidal Makkoeen rather than Tidal Whale.BKC