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The subject of this article appeared before the Super Genesis Wave.

Archimedes, a Fire Ant.

Fire Ants are a group of insectoid Mobians that are presumably descendants of the earthly hivelings of the same name. With red exoskeletons and six limbs, they retain their ancestor's tunneling ability and have used it to their advantage often. Many Fire Ants have also demonstrated the ability to generate and manipulate flames, although this may not be a racial ability. Fire Ants were powerful allies of the Echidnas and later the Brotherhood of Guardians. They are also show to have telepathic connections between themselves and others, being able to send simple messages or warnings at great distances.


From Downunda to the Sky[]

Though they formed a society early on in Mobius' history, the Fire Ants were long content to mind their own business, and let the rest of the races of Mobius mind theirs. However, they were not entirely blind to outside affairs, observing the crimes of certain Albion scientists against the Tasmanian Devils during the Forgotten War. As a result, when another party of Echidnas arrived, the Fire Ants took it upon themselves to help direct and protect them from outside threats, albeit in secret. The first noted impact on history the Fire Ants would have was their assistance in the formation of Angel Island, which rose from their homeland of Downunda. Having previously been in contact with the citizens of Echidnaopolis, they readily agreed to help the two scientists Kayla-La and Jordann with their plan to save the city from the White Comet that was headed on a collision course. While the Echidnas gathered twelve Chaos Emeralds, the Fire ants used their tunneling ability to loosen the dirt under the area. Just before the comet struck, the new island rose to the sky via the power of the Chaos Force, bringing the Echidnas, Dingoes, and Fire Ants with it. The Fire Ant monarchy, which had formed previously, was entirely contained within the island. (StH: #34, KMS: #2, CSE)

Emergence of the Guardians[]

Observing the Echidna race for generations, following their progress closely. When two brothers devised a way to reunite the island with the motherland and was rejected they sensed danger, but even they could not foresee the horror which was about to be unleashed.

As the seemingly unstoppable Echidna held his enemies hostage the insectoid pyromancers quickly chewed away at the foundations of Nekronopolis. Bringing the chaos resistant fortress down on its master, perplexed he did not flee with the others as it collapsed around him. Afterwards they resumed watching over the Echidna race but were troubled by the emergence of a the Dark Legion, a faction dedicated to technology on a fanatical level. Once its numbers became too great, the Ants decided that they would take direct action.

Approaching Edmund, the one person they knew would be up for the challenge, the council's representative Christopheles informed him of his son Steppenwolf's predicament. Though Edmund was more than mentally prepared for his duties, however he lacked the physical aspects necessary to survive. The great Edmund fell before his duties could be fulfilled, and realizing their error the Fire Ants saw no other option than leaving the legion alone while dedicating time to train Edmund's successor, Steppenwolf. Honing his body and mind to levels beyond that of any ordinary Echidna, for an undetermined amount of time he trained in Haven for the task at hand. Returning and claiming his father's title of Guardian he fought the legion, engaging his cousin in mortal combat before banishing them to the Twilight Zone. In the aftermath his guilty conscious was eased by his mentor, still Steppenwolf pondered on how this would affect the future.

From then on the Fire Ants would act as mentors and spiritual guides for future generations of guardians.

Enerjak Returns and the Dark Legion[]

Centuries later their old enemy resurfaced from his tomb, taking the current Fire Ant mentor and Guardian by surprise, banishing the duo to Sandopolis and enslaving Chaotix as his vanguard.

While he and Knuckles kept the demon at bay and distracted Archimedes' brethren mimicked the process of the past, this time aided by their allies. Once more banishing a great evil from the island, (and Mobius in general) afterwards the training of the current guardian was halted yet again.

The Dark Legion's return caused more damage than the island had seen in ages, acres of the forest was burned and numerous lives threatened.

The Dingo Conflict[]

Eggman & Eradication[]

Along with others of Angel Island's population, the Fire Ant Queendom was greatly affected when the Dingo Regime took over the island with the support of the Eggman Empire. Members of the council ended up in the Egg Grape Chamber, and the Queendom was so badly damaged in terms of numbers and society that its status was left in question. (CSE)

Background Information[]

  • All of the named fire ants have Greek or Latin names.