Mobius Encyclopaedia
The subject of this article appeared after the Super Genesis Wave.

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Current Continuity

Eggman Invasion
Two Memories

Sometime before VG: Sonic the Hedgehog


Sometime before VG: Sonic the Hedgehog


Mobotropolis, Westside Island, Acorn Archipelago

  • Battle to overthrow the Kingdom of Acorn

Kingdom of Acorn

Robotnik's robotic army





The Eggman Invasion was an event that took place in the Kingdom of Acorn where the evil scientist Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik took over the city of Mobotropolis, from which he launched his campaign to conquer the rest of the world. This would lead to his eventual conflict with Sonic the Hedgehog and the Freedom Fighters.


Spoils of War[]

Dr. Eggman launched his coup following a stand-off between the Kingdom of Acorn and the United Federation, which he instigated with help from Walter Naugus and Julian Snively. The trio convinced King Acorn that the United Federation intended to invade the kingdom, forcing the king to act. Unfortunately, this left the kingdom vulnerable to Eggman's conquest, and he soon took over the kingdom and sent both the king and Naugus to the Special Zone. Westside Island then became the foothold from which he launched his efforts to unite all of the world under his banner as the Eggman Empire. However, his efforts also set the stage for his greatest opposition, as several children who were victims of the coup united under the leadership and inspiration of Sonic and became the primary resistance to Eggman's regime. (SCO: #1, #7)

Following the Super Genesis Wave, Sonic also gained memories of an alternate version of the coup that had occurred in another reality. (StH: #252)

Background Information[]

  • While the coup happened in almost virtually the same way as the old timeline, the big difference is that Mobotropolis was never transformed into Robotropolis.